1.) Download the Private Membership Agreement below. Sign the form on the 2nd page at the bottom, and date it, in pen, not digital form, and e-mail it back to us at along with a photo of the front and back of your Driver’s License or State I.D. This will be kept on file, in private, and under no circumstances will it be kept in digital form online or in any cloud services or ever shared with a third party. (PLEASE NOTE: Clause #17 is there for both your protection and ours. This is a local, state and federal officer/Informant preventative clause.)
2.) Membership approval is NOT automatic. Each member must be individually assessed to see if we feel they would be helped by our services. After we review your agreement and information, we will e-mail you back with a phone number which you can use to communicate with a Minister to figure out how best we can serve you. We will do a quick interview, nothing complex, to introduce ourselves and learn a little about you and your situation and needs. We are here to serve our members in the best way possible, with the highest quality care, education and entheogen access.
3.) Members are required to pay a $25 Annual Membership Fee which must be paid immediately prior to the first services provided.