Mission Statement
Rosy Cross Ministries is a Non-profit, Unincorporated Faith Based Private Membership Association.
The use of entheogens are a primary focus of our spiritual discipline, along with education. Purity is extremely important for a positive experience. Through our network of members, we can provide support for a wide variety of psychedelic or entheogenic experiences. These medicines include Mushrooms, LSD, DMT, 2CB, and several others based on availability. We do not encourage or condone the use of hard drugs.
We are here to shine the Divine Light on all that has previously been concealed. God’s mysteries are here for everyone to discover. We believe in teaching people how to live in accordance with our creator.
Our creator intended us to be Free. Mankind is meant to be self-governing, which includes self-responsibility. Rosy Cross Ministries helps educate people on Spiritual Sovereignty & Individual Freedom. In the future we will host sermons at our Church, and make those sermons available to our members.
Rosy Cross Ministries members all share several ideas in common, including a love or appreciation for god or goddess, with no judgement on the beliefs of others. All Members understand that everyone has a different view on the creator and their personal relation to them. Religious dogmas are discouraged and the celebration of life is encouraged, in all actions and motives towards peace and harmony and the fellowship of humanity. Personal Freedom & Spiritual Sovereignty are paramount and personal truth is encouraged.
Our members study section includes educational tools for personal & religious freedom.